
Solar roof tile project of Tibet high-end hotel chain (831KW)-T Max O

The main goals of the project were to reduce the hotel's energy consumption and carbon footprint, as well as reduce operating costs and minimize environmental impact.

T-MAX Osolar roof tile

The installed capacity of the project is as high as 831KW, using T-MAX O solar roof tile. It is estimated that the project can generate 1,347,800 kWh per year, reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 98 tons, and save about 1,536 tons of standard coal per year. In addition, the calculated return on investment will exceed 10%, and the project is expected to save a lot of energy costs for the hotel in the next 20 years. Ultimately, the project reduced air pollution and alleviated the pressure of energy shortages.

As a manufacturer of solar roof tiles, sgbsolar's goal is to make clean energy available to everyone without worrying about high electricity bills. We provide you with customized roof solar solutions based on your roof space and power needs. If you need technical assistance, sgbsolar has professionals who will help guide you through the installation and commissioning process to start your cost-saving initiatives.


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