
Why are solar roof tiles expensive?

2023-12-14 17:28

As an upgraded version of the fusion of roof tiles and solar panels, solar roof tiles combine utility and aesthetics, and have become hugely popular in recent years, making them the perfect choice for roofing. However, when considering building a photovoltaic roof, most people are hesitant to choose between solar panels and solar roof tiles, and a common concern is their high cost. To understand why solar roof tiles are expensive, it is important to consider several factors that contribute to their price.


The price of solar roof tiles is mainly composed of production costs and installation costs, and this article focuses on analyzing these two perspectives.


Production Costs

1. Advanced technology: Solar roof tiles are made using advanced technology that incorporates photovoltaic (PV) modules into roof tiles and preserves the original shape of the tiles so that they blend seamlessly into the roof when installed, providing an attractive appearance. This technology requires extensive research and development, as well as specialized manufacturing processes, which drives up the overall cost.


2. Design and aesthetics: Unlike traditional solar panels, solar roof tiles are designed to retain the appearance of common roofing materials (such as metal shingles) and give them the ability to generate electricity. This innovation brings together patents and technologies from both the photovoltaic and roof tiles industries, which requires additional engineering and design expertise and results in higher costs than standard solar panels.


3. Durable: solar roof tiles can withstand harsh weather conditions such as hail, heavy rain and strong winds. As part of the roof, solar roof tiles can be used as shingles, and in fact we do. solar roof tiles are designed to last for decades. And they have been tested in various simulated real-life scenarios, such as rain, wind, bending, stepping, fire, etc. The materials used in solar roof tiles are of high quality to ensure durability, which is the main reason for their high price.


4. Limited market competition: solar roof tiles are still a relatively new technology, and their market competition is not as good as that of traditional solar panels. the lack of market competition can lead to price increases due to fewer manufacturers and suppliers.


5. Economies of scale: Solar roof tiles are more difficult to produce than conventional solar panels and are currently produced in smaller quantities. This limits the ability to benefit from economies of scale, i.e., unit costs decrease as production volumes increase. As demand for solar roof tiles grows, it is expected that economies of scale will eventually lead to a reduction in their cost.


While the initial investment in solar roof tiles may be higher compared to conventional solar panels, it is important to consider the long-term benefits. solar roof tiles sheets can significantly reduce electricity bills, increase property values, and help create a greener and more sustainable future.


Installation costs

The installation of solar panels is more complicated and requires additional installation on the original roof, with the help of brackets or hooks. Two materials and two jobs are required.

Flat roof: roof + brackets + solar panel

Pitched roof: roof tiles + hooks + solar panel


Installation of solar roof tiles: The solar roof tiles can be installed directly on the prepared roof, just like regular tiles, except for the additional step of connecting the cables.


In conclusion, although the production cost of solar roof tiles is higher, the installation cost is much lower than that of solar panels, so we should calculate the cost by combining various situations. We should not just look at the price of the product and deny the value of the product itself. As technology continues to develop and the market expands, it is expected that the cost of solar roof tiles will gradually decrease, making them a more affordable option for homeowners seeking renewable energy solutions.

 solar roof tiles

As a manufacturer of solar roof tiles, sgbsolar's goal is to make clean energy available to everyone without worrying about high electricity bills. We provide you with customized roof solar solutions based on your roof space and power needs. If you need technical assistance, sgbsolar has professionals who will help guide you through the installation and commissioning process to start your cost-saving initiatives.


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