
Hangzhou solar roof tiles project (42kw) - T MAX L

T MAX L's latest project is located in Hangzhou, China. It utilizes 522 solar roof tiles with an installed capacity of about 42 kW, generating an average of about 130 kWh of electricity per day, which meets the building's daily electricity needs.


T MAX L is a combination of colored stone metal tile backing and photovoltaic modules - that's right, the tile fitting is a common metal tile - and its light weight is the highlight of T MAX L. At only 13 kg per square meter, it is the best choice for lightweight roofing.


T MAX L is available in three colors, enough for most roofing needs. The color used in the video is black, with a maximum output of 80 watts from a single piece, which can reach an impressive 160w of power generation per square.


Many people may not know about photovoltaic tiles, in short, it is a kind of roof tiles that generate electricity, its biggest advantage is to retain the beauty of the roof and at the same time have the function of generating electricity, which is very attractive to most homeowners.


Photovoltaic tiles work by utilizing the photovoltaic effect on solar panels to convert light energy into electricity. When sunlight hits the photovoltaic tiles, the light energy is absorbed by the solar panels, creating voltage and current through the photovoltaic effect. These voltages and currents can be transmitted to the building's grid system to supply the building's electrical equipment. When there is sufficient sunlight, photovoltaic tiles can generate enough electricity to meet the daily needs of the building.


The advantage of solar energy roof tiles is not only that they provide clean energy, but also that they help to save energy costs. By installing solar energy roof tiles, buildings can reduce their reliance on traditional energy sources and lower their electricity costs. In addition, solar energy roof tiles provide a reliable back-up power source for the building, so that the building can continue to operate normally in the event of an interruption in the conventional power supply.


As a manufacturer of solar roof tiles, sgbsolar's goal is to make clean energy available to everyone without worrying about high electricity bills. We provide you with customized roof solar solutions based on your roof space and power needs. If you need technical assistance, sgbsolar has professionals who will help guide you through the installation and commissioning process to start your cost-saving initiatives.


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