
How much electricity can Sgbsolar photovoltaic tiles generate?

2024-04-09 18:24

photovoltaic tiles

Sgbsolar marketing managers are often asked highly repetitive questions in their daily communication with customers, such as


How many photovoltaic tiles can I install on my roof?

I want a 10kw photovoltaic system, how many photovoltaic tiles do I need to buy?

How much electricity can my roof generate per year?

And so on

 tiles that generate electricity

Today, sgbsolar this article will solve all the above problems and bring a reference for all those who come here, so that you have a rough standard for your house or business.


First of all, I would like to declare that sgbsolar's solar roof tiles are divided into two main categories, power generating tiles and non-power generating tiles (accessory tiles), and all the data below are generated by power generating tiles, and non-power generating tiles are not involved in the calculation.

In order not to cause confusion, only the two most popular photovoltaic tiles from sgbsolar are listed as a display.



Presentation based on different installed capacities

For homeowners or builders who need to generate electricity, the installed capacity is an important point, because it directly determines the daily income from the sun and the length of time it takes to return the investment.


As shown in the picture, the power generation capacity of T MAX O seems to be superior, but the advantage of T MAX L is its light weight, so it is necessary to make a comprehensive consideration based on the different advantages in combination with one's own needs.

clean energy        photovoltaic tiles

Display based on area and power generation

This dimension is intended for people who are not sure about the size of the roof and the demand for electricity.


The figure below clearly shows the number of photovoltaic tiles to be assembled under different areas and the energy that the roof can produce per year, which saves this group of people's calculation time and consultation time, and allows them to choose easily according to the roof area.

tiles that generate electricity  clean energy

After reading this article do you have a clearer understanding of the number, area and power generation of photovoltaic tiles? I think your answer should be yes.


About Us

The amount of electricity generated by a small piece of photovoltaic tiles over time is amazing, and if you have enough of them, you can be completely self-sufficient and no longer be affected by the power grid and high electricity bills.

In addition to this, as a building material - tiles that generate electricity - it also does so in a way that protects the roof and maintains the aesthetics of the roof. All in one, it deserves to be chosen for a bold endeavor.

Photovoltaic tiles, as most people exclaim, are the future of roofing!

Take action

photovoltaic tiles

The rapid development of technology is a double-edged sword, the rapid progress of society is brought about by the continuous deterioration of the living environment, we should make a change, as far as possible to get rid of the dependence on fossil fuels, so that the environment can breathe and recover. When you start to try solar energy, the use of clean energy can greatly reduce carbon dioxide emissions, gasoline consumption and so on.

Sgbsolar, as the world's leading manufacturer of photovoltaic tiles, has always been committed to energy saving and emission reduction, creating a low-carbon society, and aiming to make clean energy available to all without having to suffer from unsightly roofs.

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