
Customised solar roof tiles for individual requirements

Sgbsolar supports the customisation of solar roof tiles to meet different roofing needs.

  • gainsolar
  • Information

Sgbsolar is always looking at the market feedback on solar roof tiles, which is invaluable to us as a manufacturer, as a new product needs to be constantly 

upgraded in order to become a perfect product that is accepted by the public.

solar roof tiles

There are no two roofs in the world that are the same, the solar roof tiles installed on the roofs are not the same, and they need to be matched to a 

wide variety of architectural styles and strange roof structures as well as to the individuality of the homeowner. 

sgbsolar's existing products need to be upgraded and matched as well. Therefore, sgbsolar supports the customisation of solar roof tiles

General Customisation Options


  • Sgbsolar's solar roof tiles are available in three regular colours, black, red and grey, which match most buildings, but of course there are some homeowners who don't like these colours. sgbsolar supports the customisation of the colours of the solar roof tiles.

  • The different colours also lead to different conversion efficiencies of the PV modules. Currently, the black solar roof tiles have the highest power, which you need to know in advance.

flat solar roof tiles


  • Sgbsolar has a total of five types of solar roof tiles, each with its own fixed dimensions.

  • They are divided into two main categories, flat solar roof tiles and curved solar roof tiles.

  • Currently, in special cases, sgbsolar supports the customisation of flat tile sizes.

tile that generates electricity

Customised solar modules

  • Due to the different solar roof tiles sizes, the required solar cell sizes are also different.

  • In special cases, sgbsolar supports solar cell size customisation as well as cell selection.

solar roof tiles

Special customisation options

Customised special colours

As you can see in the picture below, this is the most creative customisation work that sgbsolar has ever done. In order to satisfy the homeowner's request for a vintage-inspired old design, just like rusted copper, sgbsolar's technical team made a technical study and finally made it, and everyone was amazed by it, aren't you too? It's simply amazing.

If you have a rather fantastic idea, but are not sure if it can be realised, don't hesitate to come and consult sgbsolar, we help to realise your personalisation.

flat solar roof tiles

Invisible busbar

Look, this is the innovative design of sgbsolar's under construction project. Conventional solar roof tiles is very clear to see the busbar of PV modules, many customers in the market have responded to whether it is possible to Invisible busbar, so that it can be more discreetly integrated with the roof, sgbsolar has upgraded the technology and achieved this effect.

If there are strict requirements for roof integration, sgbsolar supports Invisible busbar design.

tile that generates electricity

Advantages of sgbsolar

Solar roof tiles, a type of tile that generates electricity, allow you to enjoy the benefits of solar energy while taking care of the aesthetics of your roof.

Sgbsolar has always been committed to the integration of photovoltaic roofing towards a clean and harmonious future.

The common solar roof tiles in the world don't support colour customization, let alone other more detailed customization, which must leave many 

homeowners with regrets. sgbsolar support most of the customization to meet the homeowner's individual needs.

Contact Us

Are you interested in sgbsolar's customisation services and are you looking for a supplier of solar roof tiles that can meet your individual needs? 

Come and contact us to get your personalised customised solution!

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