
Several factors to emphasize when EPC invests in solar roof tiles

2023-11-08 14:48

As an EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction), there are several important factors when choosing to invest solar roof tiles  products.


Solar roof tiles price

Solar roof tiles  of different brands, models and qualities vary greatly in price. Choosing reasonably priced solar roof tiles  can reduce EPC investment costs.


Solar roof tiles Efficiency:

The higher the efficiency of the solar roof tiles , the higher the power generation per unit area. Efficient solar roof tiles  can reduce the installation area and lower the cost of land or roof occupation.


Reliability of solar roof tiles

The reliability of solar roof tiles  has a direct impact on the operational stability and maintenance costs of the system. Choosing solar roof tiles  with good reliability and a long warranty can reduce maintenance and replacement costs.


Solar roof tiles power attenuation

Solar roof tiles  will have a certain amount of power attenuation in the course of use. Selecting solar roof tiles  with a low power attenuation rate can extend the life of the system and reduce maintenance and replacement costs.


Solar roof tiles supply capacity:

 Solar roof tiles  supplier's supply capacity and delivery cycle will also affect the progress and cost of EPC investment. Selecting suppliers with stable supply capacity and timely delivery can reduce project delays and additional costs.


To sum up, investing in solar roof tiles  takes into account factors such as price, efficiency, reliability, power degradation and supply capacity to minimize EPC investment costs and ensure the long-term operational benefits of the system.

As a manufacturer of solar roof tiles, sgbsolar's goal is to make clean energy available to everyone without worrying about high electricity bills. We provide you with customized roof solar solutions based on your roof space and power needs. If you need technical assistance, sgbsolar has professionals who will help guide you through the installation and commissioning process to start your cost-saving initiatives.


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